27 May 2011

Featured - Experiment in Abstraction

This pic, entitled Experiment in Abstraction, was featured recently in the If it doesn't belong group on RedBubble.

My thanks to diLuisa Photography for the honour :)

It is only a small image and so is only available as a card or postcard.

It is a group of trees overlain with light through verticle blinds and given an aged look. I just like the feel of the image, kind of elder and modern at the same time.

18 May 2011

SFP April Members' Feature

The featured photo for April has been posted on the front page of the Smallfox Photography website!

It is called Sugar Loaf Rock and is by Jon Russell Staniland, a Western Australian based photographer.

I picked this photo because of its strong physical presence and its super-real and dynamic naturalism. I love the textures of the rock, the overwhelming presence of the sea and sky which seem to be of one substance.

You can see more of Russell's uploads to SFP HERE

And more of his work on RedBubble HERE

16 May 2011

St Stephen's

Shot of the old churchyard at St Stephen's in Newtown. This is a wonderful place just to walk around or have a picnic.

14 May 2011

Newtown one night

This shot was taken using my phone. It takes remarkably good night pictures, I think. King Street, Newtown.

10 May 2011

Just a tree

Just a tree - nice, though. on Twitpic (Click to see it larger.)

Took this on my phone, editted on the phone aswell.

Sometimes I use my phone to make calls, but very rarely.